
Please find here details of the privacy policy at Nichola Scrutton.

Contact details:

Nichola Scrutton

Shop Nichola Scrutton

What type of information we have:

Name, email address, phone number if you have provided one. We do not store any information through the shop unless you opt in to saving information, such as through an online account.

How we get the information and why we do we have it:

Mailing list sign up using Mailchimp, by email or optionally through the shop.

Nichola Scrutton sends occasional email newsletters with updates about events, performances and bits of news. There is an option to unsubscribe from the mailing list in every newsletter. You can also request to be included or removed from the list by emailing the address above.

What we do with the information:

Email addresses are only used in relation to the newsletter as described above, for any transaction through the shop, and for professional contact personal to you if a particular event might be of interest. Any information held by Nichola Scrutton will never be passed to anyone else or used for any other purpose.

How we store your information:

Email addresses of those wishing to be on the mailing list are added to the contacts list stored in Mailchimp.

Stripe is used for online protection when making payment through the online shop.

Your data protection rights:

Everyone who signs up for the mailing list has rights including ‘the right to be informed’ of how their data is being used. Please get in touch if you have any questions

How to complain:

If you are dissatisfied with the way your information is stored, you can unsubscribe through MailChimp from any email newsletter, or request to be removed from the mailing list at any time by contacting us directly. You can also make a data protection complaint to the Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO).